Survey Regarding the Diamond Playing Fields Existing Community Building - Please let GPC know your thoughts.



Greenham Parish Council (GPC) has been asked by some local community groups to look at how the Diamond Playing field’s existing community building might be replaced due to its dilapidated condition. GPC have done some initial work with West Berkshire Council (WBC), who own the Diamond Field and currently manage the building, with the aim of ensuring should a replacement be affordable that it meets the whole community’s needs. This survey is designed to ensure we have gathered as much information as possible from our community. The survey is open to all ages.

Please complete the attached survey and email to 

Please email the Clerk if you would like a survey emailed to you. 

Your input is valuable in helping us understand the needs and preferences of our community regarding the design and purpose of a new community building. This survey aims to gather information to ensure that the building aligns with the community's desires and needs.

Additional Documents

Community Building Needs Assessment Survey v7 Facebook and website version.docx